Sunday, December 21, 2014

[Lyrics/Eng Translation] 相対性理論 Soutaiseiriron - Moonlight Ginga ムーンライト銀河

I love this band so I'll slowly work on translating their songs. Soutaiseiriron songs go so well with Haruki Murakami novels!

Moonlight Milky Way
ムーンライト銀河 (Moonlight Ginga)


Vocals: Theory of Relativity
Lyrics: Tica・α/Seiichi Nagai
Composition: Seiichi Nagai


I sing at the moulin rouge of the Milky Way's end
Tonight I feel the sensation and dance
The child that gradually falls in love. You can tie dreams together.
The mood tonight is decided and the pulse jolts

Midnight. 3 hours of the unknown. I run on the bay coast road.
Tonight I feel the sensation and connect time together
The child with a quick and hostile temper completely fell in love with later's festival
Tonight is my free time? And the chime resounds.

Two people looking down from a skyscraper
The bell signals the end of the show
The stage is painted with color. Attention!
The one night curtain opens

The moonlight of the Milky Way's end shines carelessly
Tonight I feel the sensation and dance
The child that fell completely in love noticed the curtain call
Thought about it at the end. Perplexed by the pulse.

A dizzying-like halation
The bell signals the end of the show
Just like a repeating motion
The moment I yearn for always arrives without fail

Please take my hand
And goodnight, farewell

TN: This song had a lot of chopped up sentences. I find those types the hardest to translate because there are so many ways to translate a single line. For this one, I did not bother connecting them together because it suits the song more that way and its ambient feel.


ぎんぎん銀河の果ての ムーランルージュで歌う
わたし 今夜は気取って ダンスを踊る
段々恋するあの子 You Can Do 夢つなぐ
気持ち 今夜は決まって パルスを揺らす

Midnight 3時の破天荒 湾岸道路を走る
わたし 今夜は気取って タイムをつなぐ
たんたん短気なあの子 散々恋した後のまつり
今夜は暇?って チャイムを鳴らす

ショータイムの終わりを 告げる
ワンナイトの帳を 開ける

ぎんぎん銀河の果ての Moonlight ルーズに照らす
わたし 今夜は気取って ダンスを踊る
散々恋したあの子 カーテンコールで気付く
思い 最後にしてって パルスに惑う

ショータイムの終わりを 告げる
会いたい時必ず 会える

そしておやすみなさい、 さようなら

1 comment:

Ann Arbor Vintage Audio said...

This is a great song. Thanks for putting it on your blog.
I heard it on Anime Radio and this is the only place I could find it.
(Couldn't Shazam it fast enough)
So, thanks! I'll be checking out the rest of your blog too!
Looks nice ;)
Take care,