Monday, January 11, 2016

[Lyrics/Translation] IOSYS - 宇宙変身クライシス!Universe Transformation Crisis!

Ever since Tom Kubot introduced me to Iosys, I've been hitting their songs on repeat. Apparently, they're pretty famous among otaku in Akiba.

This is a really random song.

Universe Transformation Crisis!

世界が 世界が 知恵の輪で
グルグル ガチャガチャって
絡み合ってて フラクタル
ピンチなチャンス クライシス デンジャラス

The world is, the world is
Turning round and round, and cluttering as a puzzle ring
Be intertwined, fractal
A predicament kind of chance  Crisis   Dangerous

ある日目覚めたマジマジ 鏡をのぞいて呆然
あたまに生えてる感覚 隣りも周りも恥じらい

One day when I woke up, "No way! Seriously?"
I peered into the mirror and was overcome with surprise
The emerging feeling within my mind was shyness beside and around me.

どこからどこまで わたしなの あなたなの
何から何まで 変わっていけばいい

Wherever it's from and to whatever extent it goes
Is it me? Or is it you?
It's ok if you transform into anything and everything

宇宙が 宇宙が 闇鍋で
ぐつぐつ ぱちぱちって
はじけちゃってて おいしくて
安全神話 クライシス

The universe is, the universe is
Simmering and popping as a stew in the dark
Burst open! Delicious
Safety myth crisis

世界が 世界が 知恵の輪で
グルグル ガチャガチャって
絡み合ってて フラクタル
ピンチなチャンス クライシス デンジャラス

The world is, the world is
Turning round and round, and cluttering as a puzzle ring
Be intertwined, fractal
A predicament kind of chance  Crisis   Dangerous

その日驚きハピハピ 生徒も先生も全員
こころに感じた興奮 空気も視界も新鮮

That day, the student, the teacher, and everyone was surprised with happiness
I feel excitement felt in my heart
Even the atmosphere and my field of vision is fresh

いつからいつまで 昔なの 未来なの
ここから向こうへ 進化を続けよう

How long and until when? The past? The future?
From here on, let's continue progressing towards beyond!

歴史は 歴史は 主観的
マーブルな シャッフルして
気持ちしだい 楽しくて
先祖返りも パラダイス

History is, history is subjective
Do a marble shuffle
It's fun depending on the feeling The answer of the ancestors is also paradise

命の 命の 摩訶不思議
メープルな 優しさで
繋がっていく 運命の
螺旋な道は パラダイス ダイナミックス

Life's, Life's profound mystery
Connected by maple kindness
Fate's spiral path is paradise dynamics

変わってく 心と体を Yeah Yeah
楽しむくらいの気持ちで Wow Wow
受け入れちゃえばいいんじゃない? Aha Aha

A transformed heart and body Yeah Yeah
Isn't it fine to accept them Wow Wow
With feelings that are just about enjoyable? Aha Aha
ドゥリドゥリドゥーリ ドゥーリドゥッドゥッ ×4
変身済みだよ 丸ごとね!

Dangerous security! BC! Tasty benzene! Breakfast!
Douri douri douri Douri dou dou x4
The transformation is finished! It's complete!

魅力が 魅力が あふれてる
生きてる 喜びを
表わそうよ ハイテンションで
踊ればみんな カタルシス

Charm is, charm is overflowing
Reveal your living delight 
If you dance with high tension
Everyone will fall into catharsis

愉快な 愉快な 人生さ
とことん 楽しもって
宴の夜 続いてく
ラストはまだよ カタルシス クライマックス

A pleasant, A pleasant life
Is fun until the end
The night banquet continues
The last isn't here yet   Catharsis   Climax


1. 知恵の輪 [sae no wa] = this could either refer to that wire puzzle where you have to try and separate two wires or where you form a circle, hold hands, and try working together without letting go
2. 闇鍋 [yaminabe] = a stew eaten in the dark, ingredients are brought by each member
3. ぱちぱち [pachipachi] = sound of something hot that bursts or popping
4. 紀元前 [kigenzen] = refers to the BC years or pre-era